How do you think a person who has just STABBED HERSELF IN THE MIDDLE
FUCKING FINGER would react?
I dunno. Maybe scream for about 3 minutes while staring at the fountain of blood gushing out of her hand while trying to think what she should do, just fumbling around the kitchen with a pool of her own blood starting to cover the ground she is walking on as she staggers slower and slower towards the nearest toilet's towel holder, while starting to black out from the blood loss as she is struggling to get back up from the ground to reach the telephone and dial 9-1-1 if she's lucky enough and then struggle to stay awake, and alive, before the ambulance arrives?
well.... she'd probably do all that after she's posted it online. LMAO.
Seriously, if you bring an annoying little fucker over here and burn him alive in front of me and spray donkey piss all over him as he screams "MOTHER!!" I still wouldn't laugh as hard as when I saw this.
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