A heavy burden rests on my weakening shoulders. I am in the dungeon of the dragon, the fire breather, the destroyer. Inside her maws I struggle to grasp for breath.
On and on, every single moment it gradually increases the pressing of its jaws around me. I can feel the skin bruised and burned by the hot breath of the creature as I gasp for air and freedom from her suffocating clutches.
I am stuck in oblivion. A living hell. The greatest tormenting of the soul ever possible upon the plains of earth.
...I am almost dead...
On and on, every single moment it gradually increases the pressing of its jaws around me. I can feel the skin bruised and burned by the hot breath of the creature as I gasp for air and freedom from her suffocating clutches.
I am stuck in oblivion. A living hell. The greatest tormenting of the soul ever possible upon the plains of earth.
...I am almost dead...