Marvin got out of bed at 12 pm. It seemed like he hadn't slept for ages but he still felt bad for waking up so late. He brushed his teeth and walked over to the fridge. There wasn't much in the way of a breakfast to eat so he just picked up an apple and started biting down on it.
He walked into his room by 12:30 and turned on his computer. The first thing he checked was his Email. He was expecting something from someone for a while now. But it still wasn't there. After checking the updates on a few more websites he opened up his usual porn hangout. He browsed through it like it was the most normal thing to do in the world. Lesbians, MILFs, threesomes, interracial, big boobs, small boobs, camel toe, on the bed, on the couch, in the kitchen, in the shower.
This made him horny. He opened up his porn archive on his computer, chose a simple one-on-one porn on the couch and masturbated to it. He came and it felt good for about 3 seconds and it was back to the old normal world. He cleaned himself up and went to check a few other websites he hadn't crossed for about a week now. They had nothing interesting to say. That's why he rarely checked on them. They consisted of news and hobby websites. They were mostly boring. He considered removing them from his favorites bookmark but he decided to leave them there just in case he has nothing better to do but to actually check them out.
He lighted up a cigarette and started smoking it (a bad habit he hated but could never let go of it for some reason even he didn't know about).
He wondered if he could ever make a girl he likes in school fall in love with her. the thought was pleasant to him but just like masturbation, only for about 3 or 4 seconds. Then the taste in his mouth started to turn sour because he knew that this will probably never happen.
But he was used to making up dream worlds and living inside them before they came tumbling down on his head and hurting him. And for this girl, he wouldn't mind getting hurt. He wouldn't mind at all.